Wednesday, September 26, 2007



Anonymous said...

Wow! Amazing

NorthTrue said...

Wave hand really high \O/ \0/
Really appreciate watch your video
One day they will change we hope!
When i watch this video to end. Make me feel vibrate i mean chilly on the end of story. i cant use that word describe..
I am try to type I rather use in video for comment i dont know how to add on comment.


Anonymous said...

Oh whoa yes..I see that..I love hear your story..That true big i do agree with u..I want parent have born babies become deaf just left alone dont put adding implant colchear not need..Babies been innocent not know why parent want feel let implant coclhear no reason..Born that natural by god creator that it..Why do hearing parent dont care not listen deaf adult encourage dont let when born have baby is deaf put add IC,Hearing peoples just decide choice not attentino deaf adult say?? Very sad,Yes i feel very hurt sad think look babies very innocet yes true..Thanks for your sharing with u..

Oscar Chacon said...



InsaneMisha said...

John Warren,

That is the most powerful statement you ever made at the end of the tape!
I agree with all of them 100%.

Keep up a great work! I hope to see more of your videos!

Misha :)

Anonymous said...

Hi John,
Your video should be on National Television show.. Try TLC? Don't limit to deaf vloggers or vogglers who involve in deaf community or hearing people in your community.
I am deaf and thank you for adding more resource to our deaf community.
Linda Boyd

Anonymous said...

(applaud,applaud,applaud ALOUD) Great job, John and others, too!!! I really liked the way you explained and a movie which you made really help hearing people to understand in a deaf person's shoes ... I will favor this one to help others! Again, good job! We miss you all, although we live far away!

Lisa and Tim Grimeau

Anonymous said...

Big TEN! Im rooting with your work of this video.. My daugther is deaf 4 years old and there is no way we would dare to have a device in my daugther's brain. Really apperciated your video! WAVE HANDS in 'way to go!' Devin

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, John, the majority of communities do not have deaf professionals to help a deaf child. The parents cannot afford them, even if we did have them. It's sad to say, but most hearing parents of deaf children do not bother to learn sign language, which is a disgrace in itself. I think that every parent should make the best decision possible for the child. Working in an educational environment,I've seen both sides. Cochlear implants have helped many people and they wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, it's true, some cases are not successful. One should not condemn either side and think one way is the better way.

Annon. in Texas

Anonymous said...

WOW! POWERFUL MESSAGE! Keep it up with good work...


Anonymous said...

Yeah your film is wonderful. There are many ways to think about it. Like we can save gov't to pay very costly on C.I. why not they help to give hearing aids so they can decide to keep on wearing it or not when they grow up. Hearing aids are much much much cheaper than C.I. Hearing aids won't hurt children while C. I. can sometime mess their health. Do you really love your own children? Let them grow up and learn their own deaf culture and be happy with themselves. Of course all school need to have one speech and lipreading class and have total communciation in other classes for english, math, etc. Not all deaf children are same. Some have some hearing like 70% or something. Some can learn to talk some can't. I hope deaf schools or mainstreaming schools have only one class to teach speech, lipreading and asl so they can grow up to have good total communication. Let school have one class for every parents to learn asl or give them dvd or vhs so they can communicate with their deaf children. My school won't let my parents to learn asl. That is a big shame that my parents and I have no good communication while I grew up then now we can't talk long just small talk sometime misunderstanding. I feel like we don't know each other very well. It is very sad. Be sure no pressure on children with C.I. even hearing aids but encourage to wear them for short time until they realize they may need them if they have some degree of hearing.
I hope you can make film like that to help hearing parents of deaf children to understand before they decide on C.I. Let everyone plus hearing parents of deaf children pressure on Gov't to give out hearing aids not C.I.
Thanks, CM

Anonymous said...

Myself; I am a deaf adult married to a deaf man with an extended deaf family. ~BUT~ I would not send this silly ANTI-CI video to anyone I know as the "deaf language" (as opposed to "correct English". I am talking about written & reading) makes the whole thing a parody.

It's actually a good advertisement supporting WHY children should be exposed to "correct English" (as well as ASL and Deaf Culture). Reading the statements in this blog....I seriously doubt many of The Deaf are capable of reading a newspaper.

No....I am not anti-Deaf Culture. My children are fluent in ASL, my husband is not capable of reading a newspaper ;-) It doesn't make him less or more.

Every parent, irregardless, has a right to make decisions regarding their own babies. Statements like this make it sound as if "Hearing Doctors" should also have the right to take away Deaf babies and "implant them". Tit for Tat.

Every Parent, irregardless, has a right to make decisions regarding Their Own Babies.

My point is: "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Unknown said...

hi john
l agree with you 100 percent your show . yes leave deaf babies and kids alone. yes they are innocet!!
kathy milner (prosser) from ontario

Anonymous said...

I am Hard-of-Hearing and I can see both sides of the issue (Hearing and Deaf). Reading some of the comments especially by "Anonymous said" - one is from a Deaf person and the other is Hearing. I'm sorry, but if a Hearing person was to read both of is very confusing to read while the other not confusing. There has to be a way to write proper English and still sign in ASL. Come on folks, you have got to give Hearing people a good choice...someone who can sign well but write really bad english or someone who can potentially hear and write good english. This is one area that really needs to be revamped...signing in ASL plus good command of English. If we can offer ASL and good english, Hearing people will think twice about getting their children cochlear implants.

That's my take...

Roseline said...

Dear John,

I would have to say I'm truly amazed by your creative work. And by reading your profile, I could glimpse a little bit of the hardship that you went through.

Many countries have not really equal opportunities for the deaf children. Many of my friends started to learn their sign languages only when they were full grown, when they have their own circle of deaf friends with them. Some learned it through YMCA as a community service, some learned it in church.

The government do not really have much fund that had been set up for this, and colchear implant is a high cost to spend in some families.

I am happy that you do not see deaf as a disability, but it is also because deaf is not really recognized as disavantages, not many tools and programs that had been set up to help or facilitate the growth of death children, or strive to develop equal opportunites for them in education or employment! And the usual motto was that: "the deaf are not that bad, leave them alone, and leave us alon!"

There are children and families here who wished for an implant, but they did not get it...... I often feel that there are more that we can do. I don't think we can leave anyone alone.

Perhaps you would need to work more on changing concept of the deaf and the hearing! It's a long way to strive! Ganbattene がんばってね(Press on)!

Anonymous said...

Things will never change,, I some times think that if I had been born in a different generation my parents would have probably had a cochlear implant put in me as well,because not too long ago my mom and my husband were talking about my deafness and mom said how she and my dad were frantic to find a cure for my deafness..back in the late 50's there was nothing like the cochlear implant, and even less info on deafness then. I freely admit I am a strong oralist.. but I love my ASL .. and even now I would not ever consider a CI.. One reason is,,, IT IS NOT A CURE OF DEAFNESS,, it is a very very expensive FIX,, When will parents realize that they need to LOVE THEIR KIDS for who they are,, not the IMAGE of a PERFECT child I said nothing is going to change,, there will always be people out there who will try to RE INVENT THE WHEEL,,
Good points in the vlog..

JJ ( an American living in the Netherlands )

Anonymous said...

Oh wow.
Thank you, John.

I think this kind of video needs to be shown to new parents of Deaf/Hard of Hearing children.

I am HoH myself. I chose to get a Bone Anchored HA for myself and I never got a full picture of what can happen, now I wish I'd never had it done!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful and educational video clip you made for us, especially for the hearing world to realize how we are feeling, etc. I absolutely agree with you 100%! Why don't you try to broadcast it on the national television? Try it! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your videos! I came from a whole deaf family in Puerto Rico.

Anonymous said...

John I agree with you,
Hearing parents need to except there babies,
God Loves Deaf babies.
Thanks for sharring.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pass it along to all IHP Infant Hearing Program agencies across Canada and USA.

Hand wave to Warren and his cast

Anonymous said...

Wow Thats an amazing story . I agree thats true. Deaf babies should not be forced to have the clochear implant.

Edwin Scott

Anonymous said...

Your powerful message to the hearing people should be shown on worldwide TV, 30 minutes documentary to teach them a lesson. I strongly agree with your philosphy, John. I never forget what my aunt told me about her co-worker's (hearing parent of a deaf child) motivation to turn their child into "guinea pig". I had a lengthy of debate with my aunt to tell her co-worker to oppose the procedure. Guess what ? -- Hearing parent of that deaf child did not listen --
We have to take the control back of deaf culture to undo audologists, c/i manuf., school counselors to LEAVE our deaf babies alone --
We did not change the hearing world ; therefore, hearing world SHOULD not change our deaf world, under no condition.
See what you can do to get your message to attack "media" world of orthologists.
Best Wishes from USA

Anonymous said...

I love your blog video. It made my heart being so strong since I watched this video. Also, it made my eyes tearing because the doctors or psychologists want the hearing parents' deaf baby having CI. In my opinion, they should know better for their malpractice through school. They should research a lot of deaf information that deaf is not "life threatening" and "power handicapped". Deaf people can drive anywhere by themselves because of their visions. They can do anything for their goals while they are deaf. If either hearing or deaf person is blind, should he or she allow to drive? Driving requires a lot of vision. Blind is tougher than deaf... Can deaf person become a pro athletism? An answer is YES! Can a deaf woman or man become a model? An answer is YES! Can a deaf person become a president for US? An answer is YES. Any careers won't stop deaf person's goals... IF they want to become a researcher of criminal justice, they can do it.... Deaf people can do anything what they do without their limitation. One of my friends recently graduated from UCLA. She is a lawyer. Deaf children must have a right for their education. Be proud for your deafness.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I am crying right now because I agree with you 100%. God created people and they are beautiful gifts from God. I had 3rd cochlear implant and i am 50 years old. You know that i still don't understand any speak language with out looking at hearing people's lips...Your short story is so amazing and hope that more hearing professionals listen to us deaf people to leave us alone. We are happy about who we are. If we don't, we become very lonely and depressed...
Sherry Price :)

Renee said...

October 5, 2007

Hi John...

Wow! This would be a good lesson for an Intermediate ASL class in a college program to have the hearing students do a group project on a Deaf Community whose mayor is Deaf himself. Hearing residents who are part of the minority group will learn to deal with the ways of the Deaf. The students will learn to understand what life is like in the Deaf Community and develop a different perspective of the Deaf.

This video is a great teaching tool for ASL class in college.

Anonymous said...

Champ!!!!!! Champ!!!! I loved it!!!! you made my day!!! that's what we should make fun of hearing people!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahah

good job!!!
Gary Brooks

Anonymous said...

Powerful message. Touchy and something for every person to know. How about having ASL sign language colchear for all hearing babies born? They would not want that. Nothing wrong for colchear for the deaf but why force it upon them. Hearing people have choices then why cannot we? We have two lovely grandchildren. Parents deaf. When both were born they were required to have hearing tests before they could go home. Because they are deaf parents it was a requirement. No choice. Could said no need for test if they can hear well. Deaf people should be given the freedom of choices like hearing. Parents are the ones to decide, not the doctors. Keep up the good work.

Ephrata, PA

Pnina Brancha said...

I am in AWE! Your film was demandingly powerful. As an interpreter for now some 26 years, coming from no Deaf background, I can not state how strongly I support your video and your ideals. The link to the video was sent to me from a Deafie that I highly regard as an ASL user and as a friend. She has taught me so much.

I agree each must decide for themselves, as an adult. Not as an innocent baby. Most times the CI is forced on the child before they even realize that they are Deaf. They are innocent. I have seen cases of the forced surgery and implantation as young as 6-7 months. Would any sane parent wish their child to have any type of surgery at that age? Especially surgery that is not for purposes of saving their life. I feel strongly as a parent and a grandparent that no they would not.

I cried throuh out your message at the end. No I did not have the sound turned up for my needs, and yes I could not avoid the open captioning. But the beauty of your sign, your expressions, and your tears have been felt by me.

Again thank you,
Paula Golladay

Anonymous said...

It is good point. I suggest that deaf babies should to wear the hearing aids first, if later it isnot working out, kid or teeange so they will decide to get CI that is best way in case than babies. The babies is too young but their parents decide because the babies can hear early to learn to speak that better fast than late in age. I cannot do anything. Iam tired of an interpreter because it is very expensive to tax for interpreter job. Need to solving the problem for high tax for an interpreter job? That is why The govt cannot afford to pay an interpreter. Govt want that all deaf is indepent to own talk or write free to communite with hearing. It is change the world. It is tought life. It isnot easy but no choice. I love ASL.

Anonymous said...

It is tough life. You know what means all deaf should be indepent to write or asl with hearing world without interpreter. Govt save money that cannot afford to pay interpreter. All blind is with dog. All Wheelchair is indepent. CI is indepent without interpreter. But no alway CI is some helping or successful that give in chance. Govt save tax. CI is responble to pay recharge and insurance. It is working out. Bible said that Jesus heal blind and deaf then hear and see.Yeah, ASL is awesome!

Anonymous said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN MOST POWERFUL STATEMENT ESPECIALLY AT END OF TAPE! I pray that hearing parents think twice before they are brainwashed by hearing professionals who care for $$, not the benefit of a deaf child!
Keep up the excellent work!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa.. It s amazing show as all have a good points to hit another millions of people. Hopefully it will not going to happening to deaf children. We do values and supports with children's lives. It s not funny anymore. as I dont mind that adult made their own decision. I do agreed but not for children.. They are innocent and cannot make an decision.

hxlizard said...

I am hearing and I sign. Please forgive my ignorance. I've heard some of the contraversy about implants and understand that there are some problems with them (success or failure). What exactly are those problems when the implants fail? Is there scarring? Or infection?

Regarding culture, people ought to be able to keep the culture they grow up with and feel a part of. I love signing and am so grateful for my deaf friends. I would never want them to feel torn between the two worlds. Why should a child - or adult, for that matter - have to give up her deaf culture just because she gains the ability to hear her mother's lullaby, a bird's song, a baby's laugh or a cat purring?

Is she somehow less "innocent"? Is she of less value?

It's not wrong or defective to be deaf. It isn't to hear, either. Why does there have to be a wall between the two?

sladream said...

john warren...
your message is very powerful and very true in what you said......i am so inpspired by your statement video... poor innocent babies cant help themselves..and so sad that the parents couldnt leave them be till they are older....then they can do what they want as that be their choice then.......Ursula Scofield

Anonymous said...

I agree with you in 100%. I feel bad for innocent deaf babies. I notice most of hearing parents get wrong information from the hearing professionals. Big problem is that most of hearing people won't face deaf professional people and their prespective of the deaf culture, ASL and educations. Some of hearing parents refuse to learn ASL for their deaf children. It is UNFAIR for deaf children to learn speaking for hearing's sakes!!! Thanks for sharing this VLOG to the deaf community.

Anonymous said...

I have no words to tell you how powerfully you video has effected me. I am a hearing person learning asl. I am ashamed of hearing people. We count only ourselves as important with no thought to others. Your video clearly shows that. I pray your message is seen everywhere. I would like a dvd to show at my church. We have 13 deaf people in our church. It's so hard to explain to hearing people. Please keep up the good fight! Not all hearing people ignore your message, I am one of them.
With great respect to you,
Michelle Wright

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, I agree very much with your point about the audism. I do not like the idea of "forcing" CI on babies or young children. It is like put any "robot" parts in the human body. Deaf children are God's creations. I am deaf and refuse to have a CI because it does not have any values on our "invisible" handicap. I recall from my hearing mother's experience, that she believed that the hearing parents of deaf child should be educated more about the deaf culture and how to deal with the "handicap" without being told to fix the problem right away. Keep up with your good work! Thank you.

Dave Mason said...

John, congratulations for your well-directed and produced video show. Your work shows that it is an excellent medium through which we Deaf people can share important views, messages and stories with general public. Video-based medium is definitely more effective than written medium at least for Deaf people simply because it is easier to use the power of a Sign Language (e.g., ASL) to produce equivalent high quality material at about same level hearing people can with the power of their spoken English. Thus, such equivalency shows that ASL is as linguistically sophisticated, versatile and practical as spoken English.
Of course, people who do not know ASL can arrange to have such material properly interpreted into spoken or written English through COMPETENT ASL-English interpreters. Incompetent “interpreters” or “transliterators/translators” are not recommended because they will likely compromise or even distort the important messages intended through your Reverse Planet.
Whether or not the message in the Reverse Planet has impact on professionals and public in general remains to be seen; however, there are always critics or cynics who will say that Reverse Planet is controversial. Keep in mind that it may appear more controversial some people than others.
Controversial or not, yours is definitely good quality; your wonderful video producing skills help!
Your putting it on the internet will give anyone in the world an opportunity to have access to your work. Needless to say, millions and millions have access to internet!
Your successful production should help Deaf people realize that they, too, can be empowered to produce and share valuable experience-related (primary) stories and messages with more people through the same medium. Formula: ASL + Video = spoken English + Video (=, if not >).

Congratulations again. Dave Mason

Anonymous said...

I would love to get the 2nd part of REVERSE PLANET when ever it is released,
Your statement was powerful and thought provoking,,
Well done Mr Warren

An American Deafie in Holland

Anonymous said...

John, You are my top notch!

You got my sunshine under the light.

Shawn V.

Jsmbelle's Studio said...

Wow! Its so powerful! You have said it all! It's time to make other people awaken about this ridiclous C.I. procedure which is unneccessary!!! Please leave our INNOCENT deaf babies ALONE!
Give me High Five!

Anonymous said...

I am a deaf person with a limit of hearing. I can understand why hearing parents got CI done to their deaf child,that is because they are ashamed to have a deaf child in their family. I have known some adults who got them done and yet some of them don't use it. One of the deaf adult was being forced by his mother and now he got one done recently, he is not a bright person and yet he is thinking of getting another one done. Crazy!!! I enjoyed the time where I can switch myself off (my hearing aid) while at work. But hey being an aussie, I am sure that there are so many out there who don't have a professional jobs like you people do. So Good luck guys hope you can change the world around.

Anonymous said...

Funny, that is what I was telling the same thing in my story "The Deaf Planet" 1983 in Dr. Susan Rutherford's work of Deaf literature and genres.

Your work is a master, totally explicit of what if we are living in our Upotia, a reversed Deaf life, where we keep forever try to transcend to that level.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

\0/ \O/ \0/ \O/ \0/ \O/ \0/ \O/ !!I love ur video so much and really proud of u Smile!!! Please keep going. No more CI on INNOCENT babies Please. I got gossseflesh whole my body. Oh! I am really thank u so much for this video show the world. :D
ASL, Ronda Alexander

Anonymous said...

I honestly feel children should decide for themselves when they grow up in their own time instead of having any hearing parent or professionals deciding what's best for them and it's not right they take control of what they want to see changes in deaf children. I noticed hearing world is trying to change deaf world in many ways cuz' they don't like it !? So why would we change for hearing world, what about them willing to change for deaf world , they never will but they think they can change us, STOP THEM from doing this !

Anonymous said...

Damn, i am so proud of your film that hit me hard and wow, i am so speechless, or hearless or eyeless .. very good and wonderful thoughts of your point of view..soemtime i dont like to see deaf people ( children or adult) to line up on factory assembly line to get coclear implant then end up like robots....also to reduce deaf culture, deaf awarenss.. interpreters will lose jobs, close deaf schools and losing ASL sign language.. keep up good work and try to make another powerful film ...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is powerful message. As a deaf individual, I wholeheartedly agree with John 100 percent.

Anonymous said...

To the point and relevant. thank you and I shall look for more work by you in the future.

Tawny said...

The video is amazing. You know, "A Upside-Down World" has been part of Deaf folklore for a long time, but yours is an uncanny version adapted to match the current "CI" scare.

Truly, I have as much emotion and passion as you for those deaf children whose parents think the CI is the "answer". It often requires LONG and extensive therapy and parents' involvement (e.g. well-off and educated parents' support) for those who do prove to have potential.

Sad for those who don't have potential (I know one little girl whose parents wanted to give a CI, despite the doctors saying it wouldn't work due to a missing cochlea) nor educated/well-off parents.

But being sad's not enough. We have to DO SOMETHING, and you are, Mr. Warren. THANK YOU. Would like to order a DVD and be in contact! For Deaf youth always!
Tawny Holmes, U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

Hello John Warren,
I am deaf and married to my hubby who are deaf and with two children hearing. I was thinking have C.I. that was in few years ago. My hubby says "no" and also my children says "no" , "I L Y MOM" I had respect with hubby and children too. Now I see more others from website and more info and video that help me more understand. Now I am not have C.I. no way. I am stick with new hearing aid. I am normal person. I have wonderful family and home and job. That video made me chilly in my arms and cry end of the show! Well done John and others help out team work! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating video! Thank you for producing it and sharing it. I am passing on the word to check out your video.

Anonymous said...

Hello John,
I really appreciate your efforts in making this wonderful film telling HEARING PARENTS To leave DEAF children ALONE.From the film,I can tell that you are really a STRONG supporter of DEAF and I being DEAF,am very happy to have finally find a MAN who can speak out to the WORLD to leave us alone.

I feel that we (cochlear implant receipients) are being used as GUINEA PIGS for all the experiments on ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES done by HEARING PEOPLE.

I would be very much grateful if you can get me your personal email id so that I can share my knowledge on cochlear implant and it's advantages and disadvantages.

For any issues related to this,kindly mail me.

My email id is


Anonymous said...

Mr. Warren You should sell this video to all Vocational Rehabilitation Agnecies in the United States plus to all schools which have special programs for the hearing impaired. I am retired now but want to mention a comment. I had a young deaf adult who had a cochlear implant which was no longer working. Unfortunately she was practically homeless, has no ASL or other sign language skils, and really had no money to get her cochlear implant fixed. When people are adults if they choose a cochleal implant that is their business. However the video gives a very new meaning of what the process of getting children into special schools means to the child who is deaf his/herself. This video has a very powerful message of how all this process is perceived by a child and gives a person a new impathy to the situation. If I had a child who was deaf I would trust they would learn ASL and also as much of the English language as they can so they could become a professional of some kind to support themselves. At any rate this video needs to be distributed to the various professionals who works with children who are deaf. Good luck to you. If you sold it for a certain amount of money you could make a nice little bit of money for yourself at the same time educating the world as to what a deaf person goes through during the formulative years.
Good job.